HomeEconomyChina investigates EU meat imports following anti-dumping petition

China investigates EU meat imports following anti-dumping petition

Chinese authorities are investigating imports of pork from the European Union (EU), after receiving an anti-dumpingwhich could have an impact on Portuguese exports, according to a statement from the Chinese Ministry of Commerce.

The Confederation of Portuguese Farmers (CAP) states in a note released this Monday that He asked organizations in the sector to convey their concerns to him “with the greatest urgency possible.”

On June 6, 2023, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce received an anti-dumping (selling below cost), which was presented by Animal Agriculture Association.

The petitioners demanded that the Government carry out an anti-dumping against the import of certain pork products and by-products from the EU.

According to a statement from the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, after the evidence presented, it was decided to move forward, on June 17, 2024, with an investigation.

This research focuses on products such as fresh, chilled or frozen, dried, salted or smoked pork, pork pieces, as well as pig intestines, bladders and stomachs.

The PAC became aware of this situation through the General Directorate of Economic Activities (DGAE) and Copa-Cogeca, which brings together unions that defend farmers at the European level.

According to a note from the confederation, the “possible application of anti-dumping “It will affect Portuguese exports to China of the products subject to this process.”

The confederation asked organizations that want to express “any concerns or other relevant elements” to do so “with the greatest urgency possible.”

The CAP also announced that Copa-Cogeca is preparing a letter addressed to the DG Trade (Directorate General for Trade) of the European Commission.

This letter aims to express the concerns of farmers and ask for help from Brussels, to avoid “an escalation of this process.”

Source: Observadora

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