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Taiwan … “China is flexing its muscles” because the Biden administration is “weak”.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham criticized US President Joe Biden’s “weak” handling of escalating tensions with China over Taiwan.

In an interview with Fox News, Graham explained that “Taiwan’s importance” lies in the fact that 90 percent of the world’s advanced chips are produced, adding, “China wants to take over Taiwan and monopolize the chip market.”

Graham believed that “China is flexing its muscles” because the Biden administration is, as he described it, “weak.”

He compared the situation in Taiwan with the situation in Ukraine and said: Every time Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened Ukraine, we were weak and instead of sanctioning him when he gathered his army at the border, we did not want to provoke him. “Instead of the flow of arms to Ukraine before the attack, we didn’t want to provoke Putin.”

“So what are we doing in Taiwan now? I have a bill with Democratic Senator and House Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez to provide more economic and military aid to Taiwan, but the administration is trying to resolve the crisis,” he asked. destroy. bill.”

Recently, due to the visit of Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives to this island, the atmosphere between China on the one hand and Taiwan and the US on the other hand has become tense.

Beijing responded by launching the largest military exercises in its history, mobilizing aircraft, warships and ballistic missiles, in what analysts saw as a simulation of a siege and invasion of Taiwan.

In recent days, Taipei has relentlessly condemned the maneuvers, condemning “a neighbor who is evil” and calling on Beijing to “immediately stop escalation and provocative actions aimed at intimidating the Taiwanese people.”

Many observers confirmed that China is monitoring the situation in Ukraine, where Russia launched a military operation on February 24 to see if it decides to reassert control over Taiwan, which does not recognize its independence and split it. He knows what the consequences will be if he acts. from its territory

Source: Lebanon Debate

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